It all started off with a few Instagram posts. Daphne Javitch is a holistic health coach who runs an account called Doing Well and I’ve been following her for several years. She offers helpful health and life advice, but in a way that feels gentle and realistic. Social media can be a weird place for wellness and I often see influencers doing things that are either questionable or just make me feel bad about myself. Daphne does none of these and instead, is quite the opposite.
So it was one day that I happened to see her sharing about the health benefits of drinking a daily green juice. Something made me click on the link she shared and before I knew it, I was entering my payment info to buy an Omega Juicer. I didn’t fully understand it then, but I had a feeling that the purchase was putting me on a trajectory to change my life.
I was right. My inbox indicates that I bought my juicer on April 17, 2021. It was definitely an investment, even at the sale price, but 15 months later, it’s no doubt some of the best money I’ve ever spent. Nearly everyday since it arrived, both Inge and I have had a veggie filled green juice. Let me tell you how it’s changed my life.
Benefits of a daily green juice
a burst of nutrients even in a small cup
Green juices made of fruits and veggies are a great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Because juicing strips away the fiber, the nutrients and antioxidants are more easily absorbed as they go directly into your bloodstream. It would be harder to consume the same amount of nutrients from eating the food alone, because honestly, when’s the last time you had more than just a couple of celery sticks in one sitting? With a juice, you’re able to pack a lot more in, even in a small cup.
Improved Digestion
Pre juice days, it was normal for my digestion to feel sluggish, but those first few days of juices kickstarted my digestion into gear again. I found it was best for me to have the juice in the morning on an empty stomach for this to be effective.
Super hydrating and great for skin
Skincare starts from within and if you’re spending money on fancy topical creams but not hydrating well, a cream can only do so much. However, if you start with drinking and eating hydrating fruits and veggies that are made up of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, over time you’ll see an improvement in your skin’s elasticity. And if your green juice is made with water dense veggies like cucumbers, it’s a great way to hydrate. Good hydration leads to glowing skin AND helps keep your appetite at bay. Personally, my skin tends to be on the dry and dull side, but when I drink green juice regularly, I notice that I wake up with dewier skin.
Inflammation is your body’s process of fighting against things that harm it, like infections, injuries, and toxins, in an attempt to heal itself. It’s a good thing our bodies do to protect us, but unfortunately, many of us experience chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is when your body thinks it needs to fight when it should actually be resting. It’s caused by things like stress, poor diet, smoking, and excessive drinking. Over time, it leads to a whole slew of health issues ranging from diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and more. A green juice alone won’t prevent all those things from happening, but with its anti-inflammatory properties, it’s a great start to a healthier lifestyle.
Builds good habits
Look, having one green juice isn’t going to change your life or make all your problems go away. But for me, making it part of my routine is where the magic lies. Once I start my day with a green juice, it’s like I’ve set myself up for making good choices later on. It doesn’t mean the rest of my day will be filled with salads and it doesn’t guarantee I’ll have time and motivation for a sweaty workout, but the chances of me doing those other good habits are so much higher than if I start my day off with just tea and toast. Not only have my tastebuds changed over time, but my mindset has improved. I truly credit the ritual of juicing to this positive change.
juicing is an act of self love
I could continue to spout the nutritional benefits of a daily green juice, but I think the other real nugget here is this. Taking the time to buy my produce, and chop and wash all the veggies has become a meditative practice for me. As a working toddler mom, I often feel pulled in many directions and find myself giving, giving, giving. As rewarding as it is, it also requires energy that I sometimes just don’t have. Carving out time in my day to prepare my juice is a non negotiable for me. It’s how I start most of my days and it sets me up for a day of feeling good in my mind and body. It gives me a sense of vibrancy and lightness that I just don’t get from anything else. It’s like a light switch I turn on within myself and I immediately feel more confident, alert, and even, powerful. Yes, it’s partially because of the nutrients, but on a deeper level, it’s been the permission I give myself to indulge in something that I truly love.
It may not be a green juice, but do you have something like this in your life? I’d love to hear in the comments. 💚

My Go to Green Juice recipe (Great for beginners!)
Celery (I typically use two bunches)
Cucumber (I prefer it peeled)
Handful of greens (spinach and kale are good options)
Handful of herbs (I love using parsley)
One inch piece of ginger
One lemon (remove the rind before it goes into the juicer)
One lime (remove the rind before it goes into the juicer)
One small green apple
Directions: Wash and prep all ingredients by chopping them into pieces that fit into your juicer. Insert the ingredients into the juicer according to your juicers instructions. Enjoy in the glassware of your choice! My go to is a mason jar.
Do you have a green juice recipe you love? Let me know!
Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. Information in this post and blog is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a qualified practitioner if you have any questions regarding medical problems and before making any changes to your current diet or treatment plan.
I love, love the content in your website. I’m still reading but I found this block and I wanted to leave you a comment.
Now, I’m so inspired I’m going to go get a juicer and start juicing once I’m back home in Miami!
Congratulations!!! ♥️
Miriam Cifuentes
Aug. 29, 2022
I will be checking your website
Kem Balani
August 29, 2022
Since my high school days in Mania at san Sebastian College, My Mission in Life has been :
Helping Improve the Lives of People with the POWER of Knowledge, Journalism and Balance, with POWER being : People-Education-Wisdom-Education-Research.
Besides eating right and exercising daily, the fulfilment of this Mission without expectation of any reward makes my happy. In a way, I feel you are doing something similar. May God bless you !