With kids going back to school this month, I thought it would be helpful to share some of our favorite clean after school snacks that I buy for my three year old, Raffi. Packaged snacks are great for convenience, but often, they are laden with chemical preservatives, additives, added sugar, and natural flavors (which are…
10 Ways to Start Naturally Healing Your Gut
“All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates. If you pay attention to health and wellness trends, you may have noticed that the term “gut microbiome” is thrown around quite often. Whether it’s a highly respected practitioner or a social media influencer, there’s good reason why everyone is talking about it. Our gut microbiome has…
Hello, new blog! an introduction.
Hi friends. Thanks for visiting my new blog, dedicated to all things health, wellness, food, and family life in NYC. The last time I blogged was in 2014 (anyone remember Dreaming of Palm Trees?) and I recently realized how much I missed having a space on the internet to share with you. Eight years later,…