We were in Miami last week and it was a lovely time spent with family and friends in the sunshine. Though to be honest, we had quite a bit of rain there too! Anyway. We are back in NY now and I have to say, as much as I love traveling and recognize what a privilege it is to do so, there is truly nothing better than coming home. I am a creature of habit and truly enjoy the routines and rituals I’ve created for myself, some of which are hard to do when we’re in a different place and on a different schedule. Most notably, it’s hard to maintain these rituals without our usual childcare (God bless daycare!)
Here are the feel-good rituals I was happy to return to:
- Daily journaling (better than therapy)
- Daily movement (back to doing Melissa Wood Health everyday)
- Walking everywhere (Miami is a car city and not designed for walkers)
- Early bedtimes
What are the rituals you like coming home to?
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